Share Your Voice
Guidelines for crafting a “Voices from the Field” Clinical Vignette
The word limit is 700 words, though there are no strict criteria and ultimately length is determined through editing process. So, you will have to be a wordsmith and carefully consider the utility of each word to save space. If possible, keep your sentences simple - fewer than 10 words, no more than 2 clauses.
Firstly, give your vignette a title that is short and compelling, enough to convince the reader that the topic is important, relevant, and innovative. Add your name and affiliation and possibly discipline.
Start out simply: describe the baby (age and relevant history) and family demographics, the context of the session - why and where it took place and who was present. Please be sure to mask the subject's identity or gain their permission prior to submission.
When writing the narrative, you are in control of how the story “unfolds.” Paying attention to how you convey this may better engage the reader. There should be a degree of excitement in your vignette, so use the active voice.
Finally - and most importantly - think about the most meaningful lesson(s) you learned as part of the case and how your vignette adds to our understanding of our work using the NBO or NBAS with infants and their families.
Please submit your vignette to our Contact Us page. Place “Voices from the Field” as subject.
We look forward to hearing from you.
*The vignettes might be lightly edited for clarity and length. They will be shared with you before publishing on the website.
Aditi Subramaniam