Teresa Hassay
I’ve been in the field for over 20 years, all of them with Community Action Pioneer Valley Head Start program in western Massachusetts. Our program aims to support the entire family unit, while focusing on the parent-child relationship. I have used the NBO with families experiencing Substance Use Disorder (SUD), not exclusively and we could do better at reaching out to this population.
I have found it to be a wonderful tool to facilitate bonding between babies and their parents who have SUD. One particular instance will stay with me. A mom with SUD, came into our program, who held an immense amount of guilt and worry, along with PPD (and we began to worry about attachment). She allowed me to join her home visitor and conduct the NBO with her. She asked many questions and paid close attention. At the end of the session she was smiling at her baby and going a bit easier on herself. At the next visit the home visiting staff brought her the parent write up of my observations for her to keep. I was told that she read it out loud to her baby and cheered for him, and herself. The NBO had clearly resulted in a positive shift during a crucial time.