South Korea
Drs. Katsuaki Toyoshima, Jinhee Kang, J. Kevin Nugent, Ji Yong Hong
Kevin Nugent was the Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Premature Babies and Families: “The Voice of Premature Infants” at Seoul National University of Education, Eduwell Convention Center, Seoul, Korea, on October 26, 2019. Among the speakers was NBO Trainee, Dr. Jinhee Kang, President, Korea Interdisciplinary Council on Early Intervention (KICEI), who spoke on “The Effects of Family-Centered Early Intervention on Premature Infants and Families in Korea”. Dr. Katsuaki Toyoshima, Director of Neonatology, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center spoke on “The Followup Strategy for Premature Infants in Japan”. Speakers also included, Professor Jeoung Hun Kim, who spoke on vision development; Ji Yeon Hong, who described an early intervention program; Hyojin Kim (father of premature baby); Adjunct Professor Chang Mee Lee who spoke on National Policy for Premature Infants in Korea and Professor Kim Janggon, who coordinated the proceedings.
Urbi et Orbi 2019 NBASNBO Highlights
Jinhee Kang
Dr. Kevin Nugent gave the keynote address at the International Conference on Premature Babies and Families - "The Preemie is Speaking to You", in Seoul on October 26th, 2019. Among the other speakers were Dr. Katsuaki Toyoshima, Director of Neonatology, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center, and Professor Jeoung Hun Kim, Professor Chang Mee Lee and Professor Kim Janggon, who coordinated the proceedings. Dr. Nugent introduced the NBO to parents, physicians, infant specialists, nurses, therapists, and social workers, in Korea. Due to the great interest of the participants, the Korean Interdisciplinary Council on Early Intervention, which hosted the International Conference, is planning NBO training in Seoul in 2020.