Malika’s Poem
Reflection by Malika Jafri
Malika Jafri
I'm a mother of four adult married children and a grandmother to six grandchildren, with the youngest being 18 months old. I'm passionate about learning and helping others and serve as an active community leader, specifically as a women's coordinator for a global organization. I am involved in various projects that support children and women living in poverty.
I've had the privilege of experiencing different cultures. As a student of human psychology, I've worked with children aged 0 to 3 and their families for 24 years as a family childcare educator. I love children and their families, and I spend most of my time working with them, monitoring infant mental health, and studying the impact of family relationships on physical and mental growth. I emphasize the positive involvement of families.
This is my third year as an active member of the Board of Trustees for NJAIMH. I've written many poems in Urdu and am currently encouraged by NBI to write a poem in Urdu, with an English translation, about the feelings of a pregnant mom and the existence of a newborn.
Original Poem
By Malika Jafri
کیسا لطف و آرام ہے مجھ پر
نگاہِ خاص وعام ہے مجھ پر
بے خبر سب ہیں میری حالت سے
بار ہر صبح شام ہے مجھ پر
جسم پراپنی نشاں دیکھتی ہوں تو
سوچتی ہوں کیسا لطف و کرام ہے مجھ پر
گر پتہ ہوتا کہ تکلیف میں پڑ جائوں گی
میں کبھی مشکل میں نہ پڑتی جو مدام ہے مجھ پر
میں اکیلی ہوں خفا ہوں سب سے
کھانا پینا بھی حرام ہےمجھ پر
میں یہی سوچ رہی تھی کہ اچانک
ایک حرکت سی خرام ہےمجھ پر
احساس اک وجود کا بیدار کر گیا
سوچ خوشیوں کی ہے اور انعام ہےمجھ پر
حرکت اس وجود کی بڑھتی چلی گئ
بھولتی جاتی ہوں جو کیفیت عام ہےمجھ پر-
اب فخر تھا کہ میرے اپنے اندر
ایک روح مقام ہے مجھ پر-
اور یہ وجود مکمل سا ہو جاتا ہے
ساری تکلیف ختم خوشیاں دوام ہیں مجھ پر-
درد بڑھتے تھے میں تیار تھی ملنے کیلئے
کہ اچانک اک ننھا ساوجود تیارکلام ہےمجھ پر-
میرے سینے پر اک جان کسی نے رکھ دی
نئی دھڑکن نئی سوچ دوام
ہےمجھ پر
I am describing the journey of pregnancy, from its challenges to the profound joy of meeting a baby. The transformation a pregnant woman experiences is truly remarkable. It captures the spectrum of emotions and physical changes that come with bringing new life.
I'm carrying a miracle and blessing within me. Mornings are often tough with pains that no one else knows—stretch marks, morning sickness, heartburn, insomnia, and fluctuating hunger. Despite gaining weight daily, the struggles I face are mine alone. Some days bring tears, others bring joy. If I had known pregnancy would be this challenging, I might have hesitated.
In moments of reflection, I suddenly feel movements in my belly—a heartbeat, tiny kicks. Even though I haven't always eaten well, my perspective shifts when I realize a little life is thriving inside me, breathing and growing. As the movements increase, my feelings change too. I find comfort, and surprisingly, I forget the pains. I eagerly anticipate the new life ahead, finding happiness even in the discomfort.
Then, in a whirlwind, a precious baby is placed on my chest. I feel their gentle breath and overwhelming joy at their arrival. It's as if I've become a new person, untouched by the pains of the past.