Health professionals’ use of the NBO system: benefits and opportunities for integration into practice
Hawthorne, J. & Nicolau (2017). Health Professionals’ use of the Newborn Behavioural Observations (NBO) system: benefits and opportunities for integration into practice. Journal of Health Visiting. 5,7, 346-350.
The Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) system is a relationship-building tool highlighting baby behaviors from birth to 3 months old. In this survey, we aim to evaluate the use of the NBO by practitioners (N=133), approximately 7 months after the NBO training course. The results show that most practitioners are: focusing on specific family needs and babies’ behavioral states (using parts of the NBO), using it as a whole routinely, and/or using its principles (based on understanding baby development and parenting). Practitioners are particularly keen to focus on items related to baby’s social/interactive skills and crying/consolability and 84% are using the NBO with both fathers and mothers. Practitioners reported that the most valued benefit of the NBO was an enhancement of practice and knowledge about baby behavior. Opportunities for improvement were also identified: need for practice to become proficient using the tool, support on implementation and continued professional development. Key points The NBO training has a great impact on upskilling practitioners working in infant and perinatal mental health. Not only are practitioners using this flexible tool after the course, but also they are also mostly carrying it out with both fathers and mothers. The main benefits reported are improvements in professional knowledge and skills, and the need for support for an effective integration into daily practice was acknowledged.