The heART of Reflective Supervision
This webinar was presented live on June 4th, 2021. If you would like to view a recording of the event, you can access it by following this link.
Webinar Presented by Deborah Weatherston, Ph.D.
Dr. Weatherston is currently an infant mental health supervisor and consultant in private practice in Michigan. She Co-Developed and served as the first Executive Director of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health, Inc.®., a nationally and internationally recognized organization whose mission is to promote work force development through the competency-based Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (2016-2018). Before that, she was the Executive Director of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (2002-2016), an organization promoting the training, education and reflective practice experiences for professionals across disciplines and in multiple service settings. She earned her graduate degrees from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan where she Co-developed and directed the specialized, interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate Program in Infant Mental Health through the Merrill-Palmer Institute, Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan (1988-2002).
Dr. Weatherston has contributed to the infant mental health field with co-edited and co-authored books about infant mental health principles and practices: Infant Mental Health Services Supporting Competencies/Reducing Risks (1989/2002/2015) with Betty Tableman and Case Studies in Infant Mental Health: Risk, Resiliency & Relationships (2002) with Joan Shirilla. In 2009 and again in 2016, Co-edited with Joy Osofsky two special issues of the Infant Mental Health Journal that focused on Infant Mental Health practice, training, reflective supervision, and research. She has published articles in the Infant Mental Health Journal and the Journal for Zero to Three about practice and reflective supervision, among them: Reflective Supervision: Supporting Reflection as a Cornerstone for Competency (2010) with Bob and Barbra Weigand, Critical Components of Reflective Supervision: Responses from Expert Supervisors in the Field (2014) with Angie Tomlin and Tom Pavkov, and The Michigan Infant Mental Health Home Visiting Model (2020) with Julie Ribaudo and the Michigan Research Collaborative.
Dr. Weatherston is a ZERO to THREE Graduate Fellow (1999-2000), a consulting editor for the Infant Mental Health Journal, past At-Large Board Member of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) (2012-2016) and served as Editor of WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health from 2012-2018.