Reimagining the Field of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Dr. Barbara Stroud
Standing on the intersection of responsive early relationships and social emotional competence, this discussion will seek to tease out the negative influences of capitalism and white supremacy within our current models. Join Dr. Stroud as she plants the seeds for fostering a system driven by compassion and care, versus profit and alignment with the values of dominant culture.
Barbara Stroud, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and author, with over three decades of culturally informed clinical practice in early childhood development and mental health. She is a founding organizer and the inaugural president (2017-2019) of the California Association for Infant Mental Health, a ZERO TO THREE Fellow, and holds prestigious endorsements as an Infant and Family Mental Health Specialist/Reflective Practice Facilitator Mentor. Dr. Stroud has written a book chapter entitled ‘The Concept of Attachment to the Mother Country from the Perspective of The BIPOC Family’ in the text ‘Honoring voices within infant and early childhood mental health: Relationship-based stories from the field,’ edited by Carla Caringi Barron and Karol Wilson. She is also a contributing author to the text ‘Infant and early childhood mental health: Core concepts and clinical practice’ edited by Kristie Brandt, Bruce Perry, Steve Seligman, & Ed Tronick. Furthermore, Dr. Stroud’s self-published books, ‘How to Measure a Relationship’ and ‘Intentional Living: finding the inner peace to create successful relationships’ have been informing relationship-based practices for over 10 years. In 2018 Dr. Stroud was honored with the Bruce D. Perry Spirit of the Child Award. Embedded in all of her trainings and consultations are the activities of reflective practice, demonstrating cultural attunement, and holding a social justice lens in the work. Dr. Stroud has established a well-resourced and highly informative set of professional training videos which are freely available on her YouTube Channel Dr.BarbaraStroud -
Dr. Stroud received her Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology from Nova Southeastern University, and she has worked largely with children in urban communities with severe emotional disturbance. Dr. Stroud’s professional career path has allowed her to work across service delivery silos supporting professionals in mental health, early intervention (part c), child welfare, early care and education, family court staff, primary care, and other arenas. She is highly regarded and has been a key player in the inception and implementation of cutting-edge service delivery models to children Prenatal to five and their families; her innovative approaches have won national awards. More specifically, Dr. Stroud’s past employment history includes: preschool director, a non-public school administrator, director of infant mental health services and agency training coordinator. She has held an adjunct faculty position at California State Long Beach and maintained a faculty position in the Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship for 12 years. She currently maintains positions as a faculty member of the Reflective Supervision Collaborative and as a guest lecturer at the University of Wisconsin Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program. Dr. Stroud’s primary focus is professional training and private consultation from an anti-racist lens, with a focus on social justice, in the field of infant and early childhood mental health.
Dr. Stroud remains steadfast in her mission to ‘changing the world – one relationship at a time.’
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A recording of the webinar is available here and presentation handouts are available here.