The NBO in Indonesia
58 developmental pediatricians – members of the Indonesia Growth and Development Social Pediatrics (GaDSOP) participated in a three-day live synchronous virtual NBO certification training program in the spring of this year. The training was conducted by Lise Johnson, Yvette Blanchard, and J. Kevin Nugent.
The Indonesia training was organized and coordinated by Ahmad Suryawan, MD., Ph.D., Developmental Pediatrician, Soetomo General Hospital, Medical School - Airlangga University, Surabaya, with support from the Indonesian Pediatric Society - East Java Branch. Trained at the Brazelton Institute, Ahmad Suryawan introduced the NBO into the hospital in Surabaya in early 2019 and reports that “the response from the parents of the baby was truly extraordinary!”. In a recently published paper, “Effectiveness Of The Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO) System In Improving Mother And Infant Interaction”, published in Folia Medica Indonesiana, Ahmad and Siti Wahyu Windarti completed a study which demonstrated that “the NBO system was significant to strengthen mother-infant interaction and increased the mothers’ knowledge about their infants’ behavior”.
The NBO certification training in Indonesia